MKT4052MEMS Inertial-Satellite Integrated Navigation

2025-01-04 14:24| Autor: | Check: |

The MKT4052 Dual-Antenna MEMS Inertial-Satellite Integrated Navigation System utilizes high-precision MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) gyroscopes, accelerometers, and multi-mode, multi-frequency GNSS receivers to real-time calculate the position, velocity, heading, and attitude of the carrier, achieving dual-antenna-assisted fast and high-precision orientation and integrated navigation functions. The system supports real-time GNSS RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) functionality and offers advantages such as anti-obstruction, anti-multipath interference, high precision, compact design, small size, and lightweight. It is applicable in fields such as memory parking, L2++ intelligent driving, L3+ integrated driving and parking autonomous driving (when combined with automotive suppliers’ or OEM’s domain controller systems or T-box), and L4 autonomous driving (when combined with low-speed unmanned vehicles or robotic domain controller systems). The product accessories include feedlines and antennas, with optional configurations for ground-based RTK reference stations, 4G communication modules, and more.
Performance Indicators Frequency Points GPS: L1 C/A L2C
BDS: B1 B2
Positioning Accuracy Single Point≤2m (CEP)
RTK≤2cm+1ppm (CEP)
Velocity Accuracy <0.05m/s (1σ)
Heading Accuracy 0.2° (Baseline Length 1m) (1σ) (Orientation)
GNSS Loss of Lock Accuracy Three Thousandths (Error to Loss of Lock Distance Ratio)
Initialization Time <10s
TTFF <35s
Update Rate 100Hz (Configurable)
Output Protocol GIAVP
Hexadecimal Protocol 1
Hexadecimal Protocol 2 (Custom Hexadecimal Protocol)
Baud Rate 115200~460800bps (Configurable)
Supports Vehicle Information Input Supports External Wheel Speed and CAN Input
 (DBC Compatible)
Inertial Navigation Characteristics Pitch and Roll Angle Accuracy 0.1°(1σ)
Acceleromete Range: ±6g
Zero Bias Stability: 0.06mg
Gyroscope Range: ±300°/s
Zero Bias Stability: 10°/h
Physical Characteristics Operating Voltage DC/24V Rated (10~32V)
Power Consumption 160mA@12V
Function Interface RS232 RS422 PPS CAN
Product Dimensions Length 116mm * Width 83mm * Height 37mm
Module Model Description Murata634 UM982
Antenna RTK Mushroom Antenna
IP Protection Rating IP65
Operating Temperature -25~65℃
Storage Temperature -30~80℃

